Home Solution Network Visibility

Network Visibility

We understand the network operations team, and we know how increasingly hard it is to understand and ensure application performance for your end users.You need visibility into areas where issues may occur – end-user devices, network and infrastructure – in order to identify and diagnose problems quicklyand minimize downtime.

But it hasn’t been easy to gain this level of visibility across the WAN or hybrid network without deploying additional probes, packet capture devices orremote site technicians. Blind spots are everywhere making it difficult to focus on managing and monitoring the applications that matter the most toyour business. And when nearly 50% of a network’s traffic is web-based and it all looks the same to the network, identifying your important applicationsand staying ahead of their performance problem is more difficult than ever. That could mean inefficient troubleshooting, longer time to resolution, andan overall lack of application intelligence.

No application is perfect, even with the most stringent instrumentation. Having said this, have the following points been throwing challenges at you:-

  • Find problem sources
  • Fix potential problemsbefore they strike
  • Reduce Brownouts and downtime
  • Proactive alerting of issues
  • Mapping your transactions
  • Simplifying management
  • Cooperation with Application Support and Application Development team
  • QoS planning

We realize your business has to run at optimal speed now and in the future. You need visibility into your IT infrastructure when applications slow down, when end users experience performance problems, and when unauthorized applications or malware create performance and security issues. This solution can help your business solve operational problems that impact employee productivity. & proactively monitors application and network performance from the end-user perspective. It finds out if application and network problems are slowing users down anywhere on your network, including remote offices optimized with WAN Optimisation appliances. It monitors the infrastructure transparently, without the need for expensive new hardware or application modifications.
If you are consolidating data centres or moving to cloud-based solutions, this solution can also help. This solution has embedded discovery and dependency mapping capabilities, and can discover applications, servers, and users throughout your network in a matter of hours. You get consolidation benefits faster and reduce the risk of outages.